August General Membership Meeting
The August General Membership Meeting on August 6 was attended, among others, by Bob Schomber, who's father was a past president of the MBPOA, and Past Presidents Jean San Martin and Gerry Ludwig.
The guest speakers were Director of the MBPOA and Superintendent of Public works for the Village of Mastic Beach, Peter Costello and Public Safety Supervisor, Patrick McCall. The gave a summary of what their departments do and what plans they have for the near future.
The necessary business was attended to including the reading of a proposal from the floor.
Jean San Martin made a proposal for a by-laws change. It reads as follows:
Page 18, Article VI- Amendments:
Requesting an Amendment change to page 15, article IV, Meetings, Section 1
The general membership meeting of this association shall be held on the first Thursday of each month.
The general membership meeting of this association shall be held bi-monthly on the first Thursday of that month.
This proposal will be read again at the September general membership meeting and voted on.
A presentation of the updated Past Presidents of the MBPOA plaque was made by President Catherine Kobasiuk. She thanked the attending past presidents San Martin and Ludwig again for their service to the association.
The 50/50 raffle was $22 and won by Sonny Venieri.
September General Meeting
The September General Meeting is scheduled for Thursday September 3 at 7:30 pm. A representative form the SCPD Cope 7th Precinct unit will be speaking.
Hall Cleaning and Painting
The clubhouse will be having limited activities from September 11 to September 20 due to the hall being cleaned and painted. We are looking for volunteers to help with all aspects of cleaning and painting. If you would like to help make “our” hall look fresh and new please call 399-6111 and leave your name and number. We will be working afternoons, evenings and weekends and would really appreciate the help. Please keep an eye out for informational emails.
Blue Claw Crab Festival Report
The 11th Annual Blue Claw Crab Festival was a huge success. Because of the late date of the festival a more detailed report will be in the October newsletter.
Snapper Derby Report
The Annual Snapper Derby was held on a beautiful sunny day at nearly high tide. There were 20 participants ranging in age from 2 to 11 years old. The largest fish at 8 inches was caught by Nicholas Rizzitello aged 10. The second largest fish at 6.5 inches was caught by Jimmy Walsh aged 8. The fisherman were then awarded gifts and prizes by the Mastic Beach Yacht Club while enjoying hot dogs and soda.
The MBPOA thanks our cosponsor the Mastic Beach Yacht club for donating the hot dogs, soda and the prizes. We also want to thank Dicks Bait and Tackle, 386 Neighborhood Road, for donating all the bait and tackle used. Thanks also to our volunteers who make this event possible, especial MBPOA Director Bill Hack. Thanks also to Director Frank Delustro, Vice President Michael Kobasiuk, Recording Secretary Maureen Getchell and President Catherine Kobasiuk.
All photographs in this months newsletter are from this years Snapper Derby.
Marina News
Please remember that the area between the entrance buoy and the marina is a no wake area when entering or leaving the marina. This area is not for swimming, fishing, water skiing or jet skiing. Please be considerate of your marina neighbors and the beach area to the east of the marina. The MBPOA wishes everyone a safe boating season.
Please remember and tell your friends and neighbors that Marina 5 is closed. This includes the ramp. Someone has removed the chain and closed signs from the ramp but that does not mean it is permissible to use the ramp. Anyone found using the ramp at Marina #5 will be fined and their membership will be denied next year. This is a safety issue and not up for negotiation. The MBPOA will not be held responsible for loss of life or property. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse.
For those not familiar with the ramp at the MBPOA Marina, please ask the guard to point out the line which indicates how far in to put your trailer. It is an orange arrow on the ramp.
Reminders of best practices for using the MBPOA Marina are as follows: Carry-In/Carry-Out: no garbage should be left anywhere on the marina property. Please take all of your trash with you. No filleting or cleaning of fish in the marina and no dumping of bait, or fish waste into the marina. No discharging of sewage into the marina water. A Brookhaven Town pump out boat can be arranged on VHF Channel 73 or go to the Brookhaven Town Marina at Forge River to use the pump out there.
Country Dancing
Dancing will be held on September 4 this month. Admission is $8 for MBPOA members and $10 for guests. There is a 50/50 raffle, complimentary coffee and cake and a cash bar. No outside beverages please.
Section 1 Park/ Beach
The park/beach at the end of Marina 1 is for members not customers with ramp passes. Please obey all posted rules and take your garbage with you when you leave. Jet ski's are personal water craft and have no business being on the beach and playing in the mouth of the marina. The rules according to the NYS Boaters Guide are:
Swim Areas - no operation permitted within 500 feet of a designated swim area, except in bodies of water where the opposing shoreline is less than 500 feet or when launching and retrieving a PWC from a designated launch site. PWC must not exceed 10 mph when within this zone.
Reckless Operation - strictly prohibited, examples of such operation would be:
• wake jumping too close to other vessels
• weaving through congested traffic
• last minute swerving to avoid collision.
Any members who have a complaint with a jet ski are urged to call in a complaint to the Suffolk County Police.
Fridays Nights
Friday nights are Meet & Greet at the MBPOA Clubhouse Bar. Members and their guests are invited to stop by for a drink (alcoholic or not) and a chat. Nights that are not Country Dancing nights sometimes become karaoke nights.
September Monthly Calendar
September 3rd – General Meeting – 7:30pmSeptember 4th - Country Dancing – 7:30pm*
September 7th – Labor Day
September 11th – Work on Hall begins
September 11th - Meet & Greet – 7pm*
September 13th – Rosh Hashanah Begins
September 17th – Board of Directors Meeting
September 22nd – Yom Kippur Begins
September 25th - Meet & Greet – 7pm*
*Bar Open
Future Events
October 1st – General Meeting
October 2nd – Country Dancing
October 15th – Board of Directors Meeting
October 15th – Last Day for Marina Guards
October 17th – Autumn Nite at the Races
October 30th – Kids Halloween Party – Day Time
October 30th – Adult Halloween Party – Night Time
November 15th – Marina Closes
November 30th – Hall Decorating
December 3rd – Members Christmas Party
December 31st – New Years Eve Party
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