Thursday, July 3, 2014

July 2014 Newsletter

Editor: Catherine D. Kobasiuk Assistant: Marina Kobasiuk

June General Meeting
The June 5 General Membership Meeting began on time. President Jean SanMartin had our guest speaker Jim Ruocco from introduced. Mr. Ruocco explained that Operation Splash is a 22 year old non-profit and carries about 3,500 members. Their headquarters is in Freeport but they are looking to expand along the South Shore of Long Island. Members go out and cleanup along the waterfront and along the waterways. They used to cleanup things like Styrofoam coolers and bottles, and such, but now after Super Storm Sandy are cleaning up a wide variety of things. They engage in a lot of educational programs for fourth graders and up. They try to be a practical response to pollution in our waters.
The meeting continued with the financial reports and reading of the correspondence. The committee reports included a report from Village Trustee Maura Spery and a reminder of the next Village Meeting.
The Nominating Committee headed by Vic Viola then made their report on selecting officer and director nominations for the next elections. The 2014 nominations put forward by the Nominating Committee are as follows:
President: Catherine Kobasiuk
Vice President: Michael Kobasiuk
Treasurer: Fred Tims
Financial Secretary: Lynn DeBona
Recording Secretary: ?
Sergeant At Arms: Richard Wilkinson
Board of Directors
Ed Janeesn
Ketty Colbert
Peter Costelloe
Jean SanMartin
Maureen Getchell
Chris Zarcone
Michelle Wilkinson
 with three spots remaining unaccounted for.
    Nominations are still open and will be addressed again at the July 10 General Meeting.

The committee reports continued with plans for Music By the Bay and the Blue Claw Crabfest. The biggest needs were volunteers and a trailer for the Crabfest.

President SanMartin asked if there was any new business from the floor. A group headed by Dir. Maureen Getchell introduced some suggested bylaw changes.
The current Board of Directors consists of 12 members, not 20. As the Board of Directors retire no other shall be appointed until we reach 12 directors.
The following changes were proposed:
Sec. 6 (First Paragraph)
The Board of Directors shall consist of all Elected Officers of the Association except the Sargent-At-Arms and in addition, the twenty [20] Directors elected from the membership.
Changed to:
Sec. 6 (First Paragraph)
The Board of Directors shall consist of all Elected Officers of the Association except the Sargent-At-Arms and in addition, the twelve [12] Directors elected from the membership.

And Sec.6 (Ninth Paragraph)
A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of at least eight [8]of its members.
Changed to:
And Sec.6 (Ninth Paragraph)
A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of at least six [6]of its members.

A Membership change was also brought up by Dir. Michelle Wilkinson which will be formally proposed in July.

The 50/50 was $28 which was won by Kevin Collins which he split half to the Flag Fund and Half to the YUMA Softball Team.

The meeting then adjourned for coffee and cake.

TriHamlet Day

The Mastic Beach Property Owners Association was a popular stop during the TriHamlet Day. We gave away hotdogs and sodas to everyone who came by. John Pastore of Ice Cream Cottage gave away ice cream and his new sensation, Frosae, wine sorbae. It was a good day to meet other residents and potential members. Thanks to Dir. Kevin Collins, Dir. Bill Hack and Dir. Fred Tims for doing the cooking. Thanks to all our helpers for setting up and breaking down at the end of the day.

We now have a online streaming radio station sponsored by the MBPOA. To keep costs down we need to increase our listeners. If you have a smart phone or tablet you can find the station on the TuneIn and Apps. Search MBPOA Radio.

On your computer you can listen in from the MBPOA Radio website at :

Just click on the radio app on the right hand side. Suggestions for music blocks and scheduling can be left in the comments or to the email address at the bottom.

Hall Rental News
Hall rentals are now being handled by Director Michelle Wilkinson. If you would like to rent the hall please call the clubhouse number 399-6111 and leave your number with a message or fill out the request form on our website

Smith Point Triathlon
Our volunteers to the Smith Point Triathlon had an exciting time as always. Since the race was earlier this summer it was a little cooler in the morning but a great deal brighter when everyone showed up. Thanks to all our members who helped out, this is a great event which showcases our wonderful peninsula.

July General Meeting
The July General Meeting will be on July 10 instead of July 3 because of the Independence Day holiday. The guest speaker will be Kerri Rosalia from the Mastics-Moriches-Shirley Community Library. We wish everyone a safe and happy Fourth of July weekend.

Tag Sale

The second annual MBPOA Yard Sale was a great success. The front parking lot was filled with tables holding everything from glassware to sports equipment. Antiques and lightly used items were available for purchase. Big Brothers and Big Sisters provided a truck in the evening to take donated items away Thanks go out to all our helpers who moved tables outside and back in at the end of the day.

Music By the Bay
The MBPOA annual Music By the Bay will be on July 26. This year we are having a fantastic band called “Somethin' Fresh” They play music from the '70's up till today. The free concert will be from 6 pm to 10 pm. There will be refreshments for sale. Bring your lawn chair and your family to Marina 1 on the Riviera in Mastic Beach for a fun night. No Coolers Please.

Fridays Nights
Friday nights are Meet & Greet at the MBPOA Clubhouse Bar. Members are invited to stop by for a drink (alcoholic or not) and a chat. Friday May 30 there was live music with “Acoustic Fusion” . It was a lot of fun. The duo took requests and played wonderful pop hits from the 50's to the present.
Country Dancing  
Friday night dances are held on the first and third Fridays of the month. Three dances will be taught at each Friday night dance so people can still learn new dances. Admission is $8 for MBPOA members and $10 for guests. There is a 50/50 raffle, complimentary coffee and cake and a cash bar. No outside beverages please.There will be no July 4 dance due to the Independence Day holiday.
Marina News
The Marinas are open. Boat owners please remember that there are no structures put on the walks or bulkheads except for previously approved catwalks and ladders.
If your boat is near a planter feel free to plant flowers or herbs. Remember to plant something the deer do not like to eat.

Please remember that the marina's are carry in – carry out facilities and no garbage should be left behind. Please do not filet fish or dump leftover bait at or in the marinas and remind your friends and neighbors to pickup after their dogs.

Blue Claw Crab Festival
August 24, 2014
Plans are well underway for our 10th Annual Blue Claw Crab Festival at the Marina 1 waterfront on Riviera Drive. Contracts have gone out to previous vendors but we are always looking for new and exciting exhibits.

If you would like to participate as a vendor, please contact Terrie Cicerelli at 281-2231. If you would like to help during any part of the day or want more information, please call the MBPOA office at 399-6111.

We are also looking for a travel trailer or motor home to be used as our central location, strictly used as our office with only our limited staff having access to it during the day of the event. If anyone has one that they can transport to the waterfront that day and remove it after the event, we would greatly appreciate your help. A camper van would do also. Please call Lynne at 395-5432 for more particulars.

Fund Raising
The MBPOA Flag Fund Raiser is still ongoing. The purpose is to help defer the cost of the flags that we fly outside of our club house and at the marinas. Also the MBPOA is sponsoring the same girls YUMA softball team for 6 to 10 year olds as last year. Donations can be made to any officer, at the club house meetings, by mail to our P.O. Box address or at the bar on Friday nights. Just make sure you indicate which fund you are supporting.

July Monthly Calendar

July 4th – Independence Day
July 10th – General Meeting – 7:30pm
July 11th – Meet & Greet – 7pm*
July 17th – Board of Directors Meeting – 7pm
July 18th - Country Dancing – 7:30pm*
July 25th – Meet & Greet - 7pm*
July 26th – Music By the Bay 6-10 pm
*Bar Open
Future Events
August 16th - Snapper Derby
Aug. 24th – Blue Claw Crab Fest


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